It’s New Year’s Day, but Sunday’s Comin’!

Happy New Year (and happy Friday), everyone!

Do you like to make New Year’s resolutions?

Do you keep them? No, don’t answer that!

If you’re in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions, I have a suggestion for you: resolve this year to have at least three different people/families from the church over to your home. That breaks down to once every four months. Stretch yourself and reach out to people that you might not know well. It’s easy for us to fall into old habits of only talking to a small group of people, but this year try to expand your circle by getting to know more people in the church.

As your relationships depend, the bonds that bind us together as the body of Christ also grow stronger. Your willingness to show hospitality actually leads to spiritual fruit!

Have a great holiday weekend and I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!

In Christ,
Eric Landry

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